mån 2007-06-11 klockan 08:55 +0200 skrev Anton Melser:

> 1181547599.988    142 TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS/200 1518 GET
> http://www.e.fr/mambots/content/multithumb/lightbox/images/closelabel.gif
> - DIRECT/ image/gif

Hmm.. it's going DIRECT here, not using a cache_peer at all.

Are you using this Squid as a forward proxy? I thought you were setting
up a reverse proxy..

what do http_port say?

Any always_direct lines around?

If it's a forward proxy then you need never_direct to tell Squid to only
use peers, if not it may fall back on DIRECT.

(accelerator mode by default do not allow DIRECT unless forced by


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