Henrik Nordstrom escribió:
On Mon, 2007-07-02 at 09:10 +0200, Emilio Casbas wrote:

The same rewrite rules are working with squid-2.5 but no with squid-2.6.
Is there any workaround to solve this?

Then had the accelerator mode configured differently, probably

httpd_accel_host internal.server.name
and NOT

this translates to

http_port 80 defaultsite=internal.server.name

No, our squid-2.5 accelerator configuration is:

httpd_accel_host virtual
httpd_accel_port 80
httpd_accel_with_proxy on
httpd_accel_uses_host_header on

plus the several rewrite rules working in redirector.

Which we have translate to:

http_port 80 accel defaultsite=www.unav.es vhost
cache_peer webcluster.cti.unav.es parent 80 0 no-query originserver name=unav

In order to route the problematic request We have done:

http_port 80 accel defaultsite=www.unav.es vhost
acl argatest urlpath_regex /alumno/ga/

cache_peer webcluster.cti.unav.es parent 80 0 no-query originserver name=unav
cache_peer arga.unav.es parent 8080 0 no-query originserver name=arga

cache_peer_access arga allow argatest
cache_peer_access unav deny argatest

and we have deleted the rewrite rule on the redirector.

Now seeing the access.log looks like is working;

orfeo.cti.unav.es - - [02/Jul/2007:16:52:19 +0200] "GET http://www.unav.es/alumno/ga/alumno/servlet/es/unav/ga/comun/consultasAlumno/ConsultasAlumno.html HTTP/1.0" 302 495 TCP_MISS:FIRST_UP_PARENT

but we are getting a error message on the browser with endless redirection.

Emilio C.

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