Emilio Casbas wrote:
The reverseproxy documentation (http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/ReverseProxy)
explain different situations with their corresponding squid configuration:

- Domain based virtual host support.
- Different requests to different backend web servers.
- Mapping different URLs to different backend servers.

But what about

- Different requests to different directorys on the same web server.
- Mapping different URLs to different directorys on the same web server.

Would it be realiable or correct do this task with squid? or
Would it be better do it on the backend web server?

Um, Squid handles HTTP. There are no such thing as 'directories' in HTTP.

Closest it comes is URL-mapping. The webserver is _always_ how URL are converted to directories. With a redirector squid can change one URL to another, webserver has to determine where the content comes from after that if not already cached by squid.

If you mean same content from two URI, squid can't handle that without outside help (yet).


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