On lör, 2007-08-25 at 00:26 -0700, Nicole wrote:

>  Indeed it seems that L2 is also equal to the number of files that will be
> placed into each of the 256 directories.


>  So, at least based on what I am seeing (unless its a bug or just some wierd
> thing I am seeing)  the L1 X L2 determines the total number of objects that 
> are
> storeable. Thus your calculations for L1 and using file size. So, if you make
> L1 too small, regardless of how many MB's you allot for usage, depending on
> your objects (file) sizes, you might never get to that storage limit as you 
> may
> hit a per object limit before you hit your storage size limit.

No, it will still store up to the cache_dir size, but it then wraps
around to the first directory again..

l1 = (nr / L2 / L2) % L1
l2 = (nr / L2) % L2
>  I hope I didn't just discover something myself everyone else already new.
>  I haven't seen this documented anyplace. 

It's been discussed many times here on squid-users at least.


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