that error isn't my primary issue at this point, although i guess i do
need to look in my script more careful, my main issue and i really
hope someone here can help me out with this is following:

as i said i've got special URL that i need to send certain URLs and
that URL will do whatever it needs to do and then send it back to
original URL, so that user gets to his/her destination as expected,
now i think when i get that URL sent to url_program_rewrite it does
rewrite and since that URL sends user back to original URL and that
URL is in my squid config set for rewrite, squid goes into loop

anyone can help me resolve this issue? i'd highly appreciate that..


On 9/2/07, alexus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> got an error in my cache.log:
> 2007/09/02 12:43:25| helperHandleRead: unexpected reply on channel 0
> from url_rewriter #1
> and it does loop
> i go to special URL that collects stats and after it's done doing so
> it kicks back to original URL and that original URL is in squid config
> for rewrite, so it kicks back to URL to collect stats and they are
> going in the loop, and then i guess squid gives up and shows me that
> it gave up...
> On 8/31/07, Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On fre, 2007-08-31 at 14:37 -0400, alexus wrote:
> > > so, if i understand correctly i can do something like this...
> > >
> > > url_rewrite_access rw
> > > url_rewrite_program /usr/local/squid/bin/
> > > acl rw dstdomain
> > >
> > > like this?
> >
> > almost...
> >
> > acl rw dstdomain
> > url_rewrite_access allow rw
> > url_rewrite_program /usr/local/squid/bin/
> >
> > > let's say according to my acl "rw" i sent url for example
> > > to url_rewrite_program and it rewrote it, fed it back to squid and
> > > squid executed that url, which after doing whatever it needs to do it
> > > sends user back so he can resume he's activity on ebay,
> > > but wouldn't squid go into loop again? i mention last time about
> > > urlgroup, i'd want my rewrite program to change urlgroup as well so
> > > that when squid wouldn't loop and i can change urlgroup on the way out
> > > of url_rewrite_program.
> >
> > Tue url_rewrite program rewrites the URL while Squid processes it. Squid
> > only sends each request once to the url rewriter. The result of the url
> > rewriter is used as-is.
> >
> > The urlgroup thing can be used for two purposes
> >
> > a) It splits the cache, allowing you to keep two or more different
> > versions of the same URL in the cache.
> >
> > b) Can be used in further acl based processing, such as
> > cache_peer_access, never/always_direct etc.
> >
> > Note: The main reason why urlgroup splits the cache is to allow it to be
> > used in cache_peer_access in reverse proxies without risking cache
> > pollution.
> >
> > Regards
> > Henrik
> >
> >
> --


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