ons 2007-09-12 klockan 14:06 +0630 skrev kyaw min:

> I want to setup a linux box that has 3 network cards in it...one of
> the network cards would be assigned a private ip address and the other
> two network cards would be assigned a dynamic public ip address by my
> upstream adsl provider. What I want to do is load balance between the
> two adsl links..is this possible?

Yes, just set up a load-balanced default route in your OS, and policy
routing to route already connected traffic out via the correct ISP.

This is not really a Squid question but an advanced routing question.

> By Load balancing I want to be able
> download items from the internet from a workstation in my private
> network using these two "load balanced" adsl lines.

You can only balance connections. It's not possible to split a single
request across the two links.


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