
I have got the vast majority of this working reading the FAQ etc. I have set this up on RPC over HTTP SBS 2003 boxes so am confident that the exchange server is setup correctly.

When I try to connect in I get the following error:

2007/09/18 09:35:38| httpReadReply: Request not yet fully sent "RPC_IN_DATA https://www.optimalprofit.com/rpc/rpcproxy.dll?nt-opro-h3.gdmckee.home:6002"; 2007/09/18 09:35:38| httpReadReply: Request not yet fully sent "RPC_OUT_DATA https://www.optimalprofit.com/rpc/rpcproxy.dll?nt-opro-h3.gdmckee.home:6002";

Does any one know how to resolve this?

Squid.con look as follows:
http_port proxy.gdmckee.home:3128
http_port 82.****.17:80 vhost vport

https_port 443 cert=/usr/local/etc/squid/op****7.crt key=/usr/local/etc/squid/pr****e.key cafile=/usr/local/etc/squid/c****rt.crt defaultsite=www.optimalprofit.com

### Optimal Profit
cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver login=PASS name=opl front-end-https=auto
cache_peer_domain opl www.optimalprofit.com

acl hosted_domains dstdomain .optimalprofit.com

http_access allow hosted_domains
http_access allow our_networks

extension_methods RPC_IN_DATA RPC_OUT_DATA

Here is the output when squid start:

2007/09/16 17:15:18| Reconfiguring Squid Cache (version 2.6.STABLE14)...
2007/09/16 17:15:18| FD 9 Closing HTTP connection
2007/09/16 17:15:18| FD 11 Closing HTTP connection
2007/09/16 17:15:18| FD 12 Closing HTTP connection
2007/09/16 17:15:18| FD 13 Closing ICP connection
2007/09/16 17:15:18| FD 14 Closing HTCP socket
2007/09/16 17:15:18| Initialising SSL.
2007/09/16 17:15:18| Using certificate in /usr/local/etc/squid/op*****7.crt
2007/09/16 17:15:18| Using private key in /usr/local/etc/squid/p*****.key
2007/09/16 17:15:18| Cache dir '/usr/local/squid/cache' size remains unchanged a
t 8388608 KB
2007/09/16 17:15:18| Extension method 'RPC_IN_DATA' added, enum=30
2007/09/16 17:15:18| Extension method 'RPC_OUT_DATA' added, enum=31
2007/09/16 17:15:18| Initialising SSL.
2007/09/16 17:15:18| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2007/09/16 17:15:18| Referer logging is disabled.
2007/09/16 17:15:18| DNS Socket created at, port 49795, FD 8
2007/09/16 17:15:18| Adding domain gdmckee.home from /etc/resolv.conf
2007/09/16 17:15:18| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
2007/09/16 17:15:18| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128,
FD 9.
2007/09/16 17:15:18| Accepting accelerated HTTP connections at, por
t 80, FD 11.
2007/09/16 17:15:18| Accepting HTTPS connections at, port 443, FD 12.
2007/09/16 17:15:18| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 13.
2007/09/16 17:15:18| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 14.
2007/09/16 17:15:18| WCCP Disabled.
2007/09/16 17:15:18| Configuring Parent
2007/09/16 17:15:18| Configuring Parent
2007/09/16 17:15:18| Loaded Icons.
2007/09/16 17:15:18| Ready to serve requests.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Many thanks


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