
I have a Squid 2.5.STABLE1 running on a SuSE8.2. On an Apache/1.3.27 
on the same machine three IP-based virtual hosts with osCOmmerce are running 

Now I have the problem when I connect with the Squid to one of these virtual 
everything is ok and the shop is displayed ok.
The other two virtual hosts with osCommerce-shops are only displayed when I add
a "index.php" to the URL, otherwise they are offered to be downloaded:

The configurations of the three shops are identical exept of the servernames 
and so
on of course.

What could be the problem with the Squid? If I circumvent the Squid, the shops
are displayed without adding an "index.php" to the URL.

   Andreas Meyer
Internet-Tel.: 06341620317
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