On tis, 2007-10-02 at 23:32 +0100, Robert French wrote:

> seems to have developed a problem when accessing HTTPS sites that require a
> certificate. When browsing to the site, it prompts for which certificate to
> use, then gives a little warning about how the hostname does not match the
> URL and then loads half the page

So what host names do it indicate there?

> . After about 1-2mins, a 404 error is
> produced in the areas which it hasn't loaded

What do the 404 error say? Is it a Squid error, or a web server error
(make sure to disable "show friendly error messages" in the internet
properties if using MSIE)

> The main issue is that the backup proxy, which is running the same version
> and same configuration file, does not produce this error and loads the sites
> perfectly

Very odd.

DNS problem perhaps?

Is there any difference in how these two is connected to the Internet?


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