On tis, 2007-10-16 at 17:27 +1300, Amos Jeffries wrote:

> > The default for all accesses (HTTP, ICP, HTCP, SNMP) is deny unless
> > allowed.
> precisely. Simply flagging a peer as htcp is not enough to turn it on. As
> now documented.

A requesting peer needs to be allowed by in
icp_access or htcp_access if icp or htcp is used
on the Squid server the peer is connecting to.

It is not sufficient to simply add a cache_peer line to the requesting
peer, the requested peer also needs to allow access.

> You mean a visible default of both being "X_access deny !localnet" with
> the backup default of both being "deny all"?

Default-if-none being "deny all", but with a suggested uncommented
default of "allow localnet, deny all".

> Or the backup default of both being the "deny !localnet"?
> localnet also would consequently need adding to the suggested global acls.
> Perhapse with the RFC1918 spaces as a good default for localnet.

That's a good idea.


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