Robin Mordasiewicz wrote:
On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, Amos Jeffries wrote:

Robin Mordasiewicz ha scritto:
I have a site which will not load properly while I am using IE7, but
firefox it loads instantly.

for example, while visting IE will pause and wait
for a very long time for the site to open, while firefox is able to load
the page instantly. Can someone else verify for me wether or not they
seeing the same problem.

I've noticed that on the right side there are two square areas where
some images initially load. I used firefox to visit the site and
everything went fine, but admittedly those two boxes needed a bunch of
seconds to come up with content.
Could it be that a difference in plugins between FF and IE ?

A quick check of the site presents me with *at least* 6 dynamic adverts or
multimedia objects just on the front page. The ads look like an
add-sharing include. Those could quite possibly be presenting the rest of
use with different content to the stuff that is troubling the original

Amos, while visting the site with IE+squid did you notice that IE
hangs/freezes for about a minute ?

I did not use IE for that test.
FF did hang for a noticeable time when it should not have though. The hang with browser title/status-bar set then super-fast display of page title graphics, another small delay for the rest of the page. And more short delays for each big object on the page.


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