On Wed, Dec 05, 2007, Chris Hostetter wrote:

> : Hmm.. might be a good idea to try Squid-2.HEAD. This kind of things
> : behaves a little differently there than 2.6..
> Alas ... I don't think i could convince my boss to get on board the idea 
> of using a devel releases.  then again, i'm not too clear on how 
> branch/release management is done in squid ... do merges happen from 
> 2.HEAD to 2.6 (in which case does 2.6.STABLE17 have the behavior you are 
> refering to?) or will 2.HEAD ultimately become 2.7 once it's more stable?

Squid-2.HEAD should eventually become Squid-2.7.

> So it kind of seems like i'm out of luck right?  my only option being to 
> try 2.HEAD which *may* have the behavior i'm describing.

Its part and parcel with free software. We can be paid to test it in a lab
and give you a certain answer if you'd like. :)

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