> wget
> --16:21:59--
> Connecting to connected.

Fair enough, it works for you. As I asked before, is this site publicly
reachable, or only reachable from certain networks (i.e. those of the
national government)?
> But.. while digging further, it seems that squid still thinks 
> that http://adresgids.rijksweb.nl/servlet/DirXweb/Main.htm is 
> located at the old IP.
> But even when I put adresgids.rijksweb.nl in /etc/hosts it 
> still comes back with the 502 :(

Can you do an nslookup on the squid machine for adresgids.rijksweb.nl?
What does that tell you?

Check in squid.conf for the setting dns_nameservers. Are the right dns
server listed there (if any)?
Also check hosts_file. Does this setting point to the right hosts file
for your system?



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