Remember the squidalyser? It's a project I started in 2003 to monitor
policy-infringing web accesses made via a squid proxy. You can use it
to monitor keywords in URLs and graphics downloaded, with the option
to produce meaningful graphs of web activity. The project was written
in Perl and unfortunately hasn't been developed since early 2004.

Squidalyser has been rewritten and now has a fancy new
web-two-point-oh name (Surftrackr) and uses the Django framework
( There is a mostly-functional demo at (slightly hobbled so nobody can break it). You can
download a zip-file or tar-ball from the site. You'll also need to
install Django and ensure your Apache has mod_python available. See
the README file in the tar-ball.

This is an initial "testing the water" release to see if it's worth
continuing with development, so please let me have your feedback and
ideas. I think Surftrackr is a more polished, efficient and
better-looking program than squidalyser, but that's just my opinion.
Ultimately, I'd hope to develop this to a very professional standard,
if people are sufficiently interested.

Note that the demo site is running on my slightly feeble home server,
so please be patient if it starts to buckle under the strain :) Some
queries to the DB are a bit intensive at the moment, but I'll be
working to improve performance.

Please let me know if you have any *constructive* comments or
suggestions for improvements.

Simon Burns

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