fre 2008-01-18 klockan 13:15 -0800 skrev Tory M Blue:

> so for a snippet of our code, i can inspect the via header, and if the
> client has come in via 1.1 I can have the server gzip the data and
> send it on.. This has to be done in secondary code, as obviously
> apache and everything else is going to reply with the originating http
> version and with squid, it's 1.0 ..

You should primarily at Accept-Encoding, not so much the HTTP version.
The execption being a few blacklisted browser versions prior to HTTP/1.1
who send Accept-Encoding: gzip without understanding gzip, if you care
about those (I wouldn't. Those is pretty much obsolete today).

And don't forget to "Vary: Accept-Encoding" in your responses.


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