
I have Squid Cache: Version 2.6.STABLE13 installed on Fedora Core 6 Linux 2.6.18-1.2798.fc6. Squid is configured in very usual manner, internal hosts are only allowed to reach Internet using proxy server, and the rest of squid configuration is left by default. Everything works perfectly, but only one thing DOESN'T work! Users cannot reach one specific HTML page: http://www.nbs.yu/internet/cirilica/scripts/bankeMenjaci/index.html

In the squid access.log nothing seems to be wrong:
1201958794.061 300 TCP_MISS/200 314 GET http://www.nbs.yu/internet/cirilica/scripts/bankeMenjaci/index.html - DIRECT/ text/html

...but instead of page, users get an empty page from proxy server! Without proxy, the page is getting displayed correctly.

I would like to add that's the case only with that particular page on this site (www.nbs.yu) Everything else goes fine. Also, I was able to reproduce this error with other squid servers.

At the other side, I would like my users to reach web contents through squid without any exeptions, if possible. So I would like to ask is this problem with squid, this particular webpage, or something else? And how could I solve this problem?

Zoran Milenkovic, dipl.ing.el.
systems & network engineer
Datatek d.o.o.

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