It shouldn't be this difficult. I mean, I setup ransaprent proxies in a matter
of minutes these days.

Yes, transparent proxying support needs to be compiled in for
your architecture.

So. To make this quick and painless:

* which os
* squid version 3.0, ok
* squid config, sans comments
* ip firewalling/redirection rules.

I'll take what we work through and fix whatever bugs are causing
this to not work, and put in some documentation so others aren't
caught out.


On Fri, Feb 08, 2008, Dave Coventry wrote:
> Well the good news is that I am no longer getting the "The requested
> URL could not be retrieved: invalid url" error.
> The bad news is that I am no longer getting any response at all.
> I must admit that this is probably the singlemost frustrating piece of
> software I have ever tried to get to work. I have been working on this
> since the 7th of January when I promised my client I would have his
> proxy server up and running and I am no nearer resolving it.
> I find it very hard to believe that anyone can get it to run at all
> and the suspicion is dawning that this whole project is a huge
> elaborate hoax designed to generate light relief for bored BOFHs.
> I do not consider myself to be a newbie, having used linux for some
> eight or nin years. Nor is my requirement particularly complex:
> I have simply set up a computer, bought especially for the purpose,
> with 2 NICs one of which (eth1) is running as a DHCP server and the
> other (eth0).

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