adrian.wells wrote:
adrian.wells wrote:
SQUID 2.5 stable12

Please try a later version of squid.
Will do once sorted ;-)

Trouble with that is if its an old bug we could spend a week tracing it only to find the solution is an upgrade.

After an upgrade the free-support people like myself can usually identify the log messages etc. Or at worst trace things down in the code itself.

2.5 has not been actively debugged in at least two years, so most of us are very rusty on it, if ever learned that is.

Have just built a SuSE linux box and installed squid, as I have done many times, copied the conf and ACL text files from a running proxy and get the following list of errors for each ...

2008/02/19 10:27:42| strtokFile: /etc/squid/etc/girls.txt
2008/02/19 10:27:42| aclParseAclLine: WARNING: empty ACL: auid/etc/girls.txt"

I'm thinking at first glance that "auid" might be a problem.
It's usually a sign of non-ascii characters cut-n-pasted into the squid.conf text.
At this stage I've only removed a few unrequired ACL's, not edited the text in any way. While waiting for a reply, I've started rebuilding the box from scratch as it only takes a few minutes.
I will check the text for anomalies in the meantime - thanks ;-)

P.S I've lost the original thread, but would like to thank you for helping with a previous problem, you suggested that the ISP might be block ports, they were! 3128!

I don't recall sorry. So many emails coming and going while I try to escape other work.

- I have tried 3129 and it works fine, are there any recommended ports to use with squid other than 80 or 8080?

Not really. The admin work for configuration when using non-standard ports is pretty much fixed. It won't change much whether you use 1 or 65534.



If I copy and past the address in the error to a file browser, I get to see the file!

This works perfectly on the previous machine running the same version of SuSE & Squid!
I have re-installed squid.
Can anyone please offer a solution?

Kind regards

girls.txt is just a list of MAC addresses
00:1B:77:8A:D5:CF # Wir User Name
00:1B:24:7E:CB:B1 # LAN User Name

<SNIP squid conf>
# Groups follow...

acl girls arp "/etc/squid/etc/girls.txt"
acl temp arp "/etc/squid/etc/temp.txt"

acl boys arp "/etc/squid/etc/boys.txt"
acl staff arp "/etc/squid/etc/staff.txt"
# Times follow...
acl 24Hr time M T W H F A S 00:00-23:59

Please use Squid 2.6STABLE17+ or 3.0STABLE1+
There are serious security advisories out on all earlier releases.

Please use Squid 2.6STABLE17+ or 3.0STABLE1+
There are serious security advisories out on all earlier releases.

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