Hello members,

Below is the piece from the default squid.conf:

#  TAG: nonhierarchical_direct
#       By default, Squid will send any non-hierarchical requests
#       (matching hierarchy_stoplist or not cacheable request type) direct
#       to origin servers.
#       If you set this to off, Squid will prefer to send these
#       requests to parents.
#       Note that in most configurations, by turning this off you will only
#       add latency to these request without any improvement in global hit
#       ratio.
#       If you are inside an firewall see never_direct instead of
#       this directive.
# nonhierarchical_direct on

#  TAG: prefer_direct
#       Normally Squid tries to use parents for most requests. If you for some
#       reason like it to first try going direct and only use a parent if
#       going direct fails set this to on.
#       By combining nonhierarchical_direct off and prefer_direct on you
#       can set up Squid to use a parent as a backup path if going direct
#       fails.
#       Note: If you want Squid to use parents for all requests see
#       the never_direct directive. prefer_direct only modifies how Squid
#       acts on cacheable requests.
# prefer_direct off

I'm confused about this statement:

#       By combining nonhierarchical_direct off and prefer_direct on you
#       can set up Squid to use a parent as a backup path if going direct
#       fails.

Why it's "nonhierarchical_direct off and prefer_direct on"?
I think it should be "nonhierarchical_direct on and prefer_direct on".

Thanks for the kind helps.

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