mån 2008-02-18 klockan 13:46 +0300 skrev Serj A. Androsov:
> Hello there,
> Is there ways to perform a dynamic time management for several src's net?
> The problem is:
> A couple of subnets (stored in MySQL database)
> A couple of internet access time acl's (alse stored in MySQL database).
> Also there are links between src's and time templates.

You can quite easily do this kind of lookup via an acl helper, at least
if you know a little scripting in perl or similar.

See external_acl_type for a descrition on how scripted acls work.

See also helpers/basic_auth/DB/ for some ideas on how a such script
could look like. That helper is for basic authentication to an SQL
database, but acl scripting isn't that different.. (just slightly
different input).


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