mån 2008-02-25 klockan 15:51 +0800 skrev J. Peng:
> Hello,
> I'm running squid-2.7 for reverse-proxy (primarily use its http/1.1 features).
> But I got many warnings in cache.log:
> 2008/02/25 15:48:09| ctx: exit level  0
> 2008/02/25 15:48:09| ctx: enter level  0:
> 'http://res-js.mail.xxxx.com/zh_CN/htmledition20080131/js/all.js'
> 2008/02/25 15:48:09| storeSetPublicKey: unable to determine vary_id
> for 'http://res-js.mail.xxxx.com/zh_CN/htmledition20080131/js/all.js'

Odd. You should not be getting this.

Can you provide the full request & response header?


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