Ritter, Nicholas wrote:
Regarding the gre tunnel, does the IP address on the the gre0 interface
have to be unique, or can it be the same address, or a dot1q trunked
address? I was hoping to use one physical network interface to do the
GRE tunnel and the squid daemon. This would require subinterfaces and
dot1q trunking/vlan tagging on both the router and the squid box if I am
to use unique IP addresses, much less IP addresses on different IP
My ip address on the GRE is the same as the host address.
I create it like this:
/sbin/iptunnel add wccp0 mode gre remote $CISCO_IP local $HOST_IP dev eth0
/sbin/ifconfig wccp0 $HOST_IP netmask up
It works perfectly. However, they say that you should know it will work
because it is right, not assume it is right because it works!
Anyway, I hope it's right.
Daniel Rose
National Library of Australia