Hi Steve,

On Thursday 28 February 2008 20:18, Steve B wrote:
> I am trying to change the port that Squid uses from 3128(default) to
> something other than it obviously. My main problem is that when I
> change the port to Anything, even 3127(made something up), squid will
> NOT start. For example when I type the command 'service squid start'
> with the port at 3128, it will start, but if it is anything other then
> that, it will go: 'Starting Squid......................... [FAILED]'
> Any help?

Some questions:

1) _Why_ do you want to use another port? You have to tell the clients
2) _How_ did you configure the other port? What is in your http_port  
3) Is there any other service running on the port you want to use? Try
   "nmap ip-of-your-server" to see if any service is running on that port.
4) Is there any information in the log files?



Peter Albrecht, Novell Training Services

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