Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
On 20.03.08 12:14, Amos Jeffries wrote:
proxy - software that sits between a web server and a web-client with purpose of resource saving or improving web service to the clients.

intercepting proxy - software that performs as a proxy, but additionally can handle traffic redirected to it by a FW without the web-clients knowledge. Usually typed 'transparent' by those who confuse client-hidden with totally-invisible.

transparent proxy - software that performs all duties of proxy and additionally spoofs/hide its IP from both parties such that neither can detect its existence.

many people assume "transparent" proxy the same as "intercepting", maybe
often with the meaning of "not explicitly configured proxy".

Many people are also assuming wrong. Confusing themselves when speaking about it. I was in that boat myself until I spent a while checking the transparency operations of squid against the RFC.

the HTTP defines "transparent" proxy as any proxy that does not modify the
deta. Please, don't create new definition of transparecy in proxying.

Not altering the request and not being configured would be part of that 'neither can detect' I mentioned, yes?

Apologies for cut-n-pasting 'all duties', 'most duties' would be more accurate.

Please use Squid 2.6STABLE17+ or 3.0STABLE1+
There are serious security advisories out on all earlier releases.

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