I need to deny access to anywhere except www.rbc.ru. I wrote this acl:
acl acl-pupkin proxy_auth pupkin
acl acl-pupkin-allow dstdom_regex rbc.ru

Ew. regex. Use this instead:

  acl acl-pupkin-allow dstdomain rbc.ru

http_access allow acl-pupkin acl-pupkin-allow
http_access deny acl-pupkin
It's working. But on that site as on a lot ot others there are some banners, 
counters, etc, which points to other sites. And proxy ask password after any 
moving on allowed site.

Is it possible to fully deny access without any permanent password requests?

Yes, Using any of the other many ACL types which do not involve auth. You will have to pick the criteria yourself.

Here is a useful list of the ACL types available in current squid releases:


Please use Squid 2.6.STABLE19 or 3.0.STABLE4

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