Have you visit this url :

I try this but it doesn't work on my server and nobody here know why !
If you can try and give me a feed back, it would be great.


Sylvain Beaux a écrit :
Hi all,

I've a squid installed and it works in reverse-proxy mode.
I would like to add two new backend servers but those ones require url
rewriting. The following schema shows how the user will request the servers :

client <---------------------> | squid |<---------------------> Server 1
   http://squid.ext.com/serv1  |   <>  |  http://server1.intranet.com/
                               |       |<---------------------> Server 2
   http://squid.ext.com/serv2  |   <>  |  http://server2.intranet.com/

I read in FAQ that I need to use a external script/program which modify
"on-the-fly" URLs.

But is there other possibilities to rewrite URL, I meen squid native
possibilities ?
if not, is it a feature scheduled in the road map ?

The problem is that we have to implement different scripts if we use a
linux or a NT system so we can't be agnostic from the OS.


Sylvain Beaux

fn:Mathieu Kretchner
adr;dom:;;2007 route des lucioles - BP93;Sophia Antipolis;;06902 CEDEX
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:04 92 38 76 67

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