I've been looking myself but they (Adobe) keep it pretty tightly held. The most common google hit is Routing Table Maintenance Protocol from AppleTalk, which is completely unrelated.

Adobe people don't really know much about it and I can't get to the Developers. When I call Adobe and ask about RTMP, I get shuffled around to just about every department.

There is Red5, an Open Source reverse engineering project out there who may have someone that has more info:
- http://osflash.org/rtmp <-- Brief description
- http://osflash.org/red5 <-- OS Project
- http://swik.net/RTMP <-- Refers to Red5 again

I was hoping it was RTSP-like because it is related to streaming but from what I can tell, it is not really that similar.


On Apr 30, 2008, at 7:52 PM, Adrian Chadd wrote:

Is there a protocol spec somewhere?


On Wed, Apr 30, 2008, Paul Bertain wrote:
RTMP is Adobe's protocol used for streaming.  As Amos says, RTMP !=
HTTP but it is going to be delivered over Ports 80 & 443, as you have
already seen.  Adobe Flash Media Server contains a caching component,
I believe, so if you control the content, you might want to look into
that (rather expensive) option.


On Apr 30, 2008, at 5:12 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:

sonjaya wrote:
Dear all
I have setup squid with delay pools , but some user using rtmp
protocol and using port 443 port for download  file .flv
I try to see in access.log  but nothing  recorder , how come ...?
so my question how to make rtmp protocol to join in delay pools  or
should i forward rtmp protocol to squid ?


Squid is NOT a general-purpose proxy. It is a WEB proxy.

Please use Squid 2.6.STABLE19 or 3.0.STABLE4

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