
This is exactly the issues I am having, but only using squid as a reverse proxy to a single backend server. Please let me know how you get on and if you find a fix.

Many thanks


----- Original Message ----- From: "Amos Jeffries" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jan-Frode Myklebust" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <squid-users@squid-cache.org>
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2008 5:35 AM
Subject: Re: [squid-users] squid going bananas on rr-dns servers

I have a couple of webservers with a shared filesystem (for
/var/lib/php/session and more), identical apache config and
enforced https on all connections.

We use round robin dns to distribute the load over them. This
seems to be working perfectly fine with direct connections, but
when accessed trough squid, the pages never fully loads. The browser
ends up looping over all elements in the page again and again..

The squid access.log fills up with:

1210543497.362    257 TCP_MISS/200 4472 CONNECT
rrdnshostname:443 janfrode DIRECT/ -
1210543497.559    106 TCP_MISS/200 3512 CONNECT
rrdnshostname:443 janfrode DIRECT/ -
1210543497.747    174 TCP_MISS/200 21485 CONNECT
rrdnshostname:443 janfrode DIRECT/ -
1210543499.581    193 TCP_MISS/200 5080 CONNECT
rrdnshostname:443 janfrode DIRECT/ -
1210543500.606    931 TCP_MISS/200 4248 CONNECT
rrdnshostname:443 janfrode DIRECT/ -
1210543500.970    235 TCP_MISS/200 3880 CONNECT
rrdnshostname:443 janfrode DIRECT/ -
1210543501.342    313 TCP_MISS/200 3896 CONNECT
rrdnshostname:443 janfrode DIRECT/ -

so I guess this can be a problem with squid trying to distribute
the load over both servers, instead of just picking one as the non-squid
browser would do. But even without squid, we can see that the browser
handles failover to the next host just fine as soon as the dns ttl expires
and it picks the second ip-address.

Any ideas what might be causing the problem here ? Can we make squid stick with one ip-address for longer periods, instead of going to both addresses

 balance_on_multiple_ip off
in squid.conf should stop any IP-rotation within squid unless the IP its
trying to use fails.

Please in future indicate which version of squid you are using.

I sort of get the idea you are attempting to accelerate / reverse-proxy
the website through squid though. For one of those setups please see:


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