I have the MacPort of Squid running on a Mac Mini.  Works great.  But I
don't want to tax it with all of the reporting stuff (Apache, RRDTool,
etc.).  I want to run those on an existing web server.  I read in Duane
Wessel's book (page 288) that "If you have additional trusted hosts, you
may want to add them to the access rules also.", which I did in

acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl mgrhost src
http_access allow manager mgrhost
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager

But when I run a squidclient request from the 132.7 host...

squidclient cache_object://squide.liverpool.k12.ny.us/info

I get the error...
client: ERROR: Cannot connect to localhost:3128: Connection refused

The subnet that contains the 132.7 host is in the list of allowed subnets
in squid.conf.  I can't think of anything else that might be stopping it. 
Is this type of operation not allowed, and if not, how can I get the Squid
stats from a remote machine?

Any help would be appreciated.


I intend to live forever. So far, so good.
-Steven Wright

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