I have an external site that requires authentication that's not working through 
my proxies.  The squid versions vary from 2.6.STABLE6 to 2.6.STABLE13 with the 
same results.  With IE7, all that's returned is "cannot display the webpage" 
even with "show friendly http error messages" turned off.  With FF2, the login 
box keeps popping up until you cancel.  Here's the oddity though, I have one XP 
machine that is able to authenticate through the proxy without any problems 
with both IE7 and FF2.   Same user, same proxy, same passwords just different 
machines.  If I bypass the proxy, everything works fine on all machines.  I 
read something in the archives about configuring the browser to keep 
authentication details longer.  Could that be the difference?  If so, I have no 
idea how to change that??  Below are the two relevant portions from access.log. 
 I have the live http header add-on for FF also but I'm ignorant on reading and 
using it effectively.  Any help or ideas are appreciated!

Does NOT connect:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] squid]# tail -f access.log | grep www.k12.ar.us 
1211985315.277     53 170.211.xxx.30 TCP_MISS/401 2145 GET 
http://www.k12.ar.us/secure/smspo/smspo.htm rasher DIRECT/ text/html
1211985326.697     25 170.211.xxx.30 TCP_MISS/401 2272 GET 
http://www.k12.ar.us/secure/smspo/smspo.htm rasher DIRECT/ text/html
1211985326.760     42 170.211.xxx.30 TCP_MISS/401 2028 GET 
http://www.k12.ar.us/secure/smspo/smspo.htm rasher DIRECT/ text/html

Does connect:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] squid]# tail -f access.log | grep www.k12.ar.us 
1211985582.423     71 170.211.xxx.31 TCP_MISS/401 2145 GET 
http://www.k12.ar.us/secure/smspo/smspo.htm rasher DIRECT/ text/html
1211985605.978     27 170.211.xxx.31 TCP_MISS/401 2277 GET 
http://www.k12.ar.us/secure/smspo/smspo.htm rasher DIRECT/ text/html
1211985606.002     25 170.211.xxx.31 TCP_MISS/304 414 GET 
http://www.k12.ar.us/secure/smspo/smspo.htm rasher NONE/- -
1211985606.077     61 170.211.xxx.31 TCP_MISS/401 2145 GET 
http://www.k12.ar.us/secure/smspo/awmmenupath.gif rasher DIRECT/ 
1211985606.103     26 170.211.xxx.31 TCP_MISS/401 2277 GET 
http://www.k12.ar.us/secure/smspo/awmmenupath.gif rasher NONE/- text/html
1211985606.130     26 170.211.xxx.31 TCP_MISS/404 1991 GET 
http://www.k12.ar.us/secure/smspo/awmmenupath.gif rasher NONE/- text/html
1211985606.234     71 170.211.xxx.31 TCP_MISS/401 2145 GET 
http://www.k12.ar.us/secure/smspo/bg.jpg rasher DIRECT/ text/html
1211985606.259     24 170.211.xxx.31 TCP_MISS/401 2277 GET 
http://www.k12.ar.us/secure/smspo/bg.jpg rasher DIRECT/ text/html
1211985606.263     49 170.211.xxx.31 TCP_MISS/401 2145 GET 
http://www.k12.ar.us/secure/smspo/topmenu.jpg rasher DIRECT/ 
1211985606.267     53 170.211.xxx.31 TCP_MISS/401 2145 GET 
http://www.k12.ar.us/secure/smspo/mid.jpg rasher DIRECT/ text/html
1211985606.281     21 170.211.xxx.31 TCP_MISS/304 413 GET 
http://www.k12.ar.us/secure/smspo/bg.jpg rasher NONE/- -
1211985606.286     23 170.211.xxx.31 TCP_MISS/401 2277 GET 
http://www.k12.ar.us/secure/smspo/topmenu.jpg rasher DIRECT/ 
1211985606.291     23 170.211.xxx.31 TCP_MISS/401 2277 GET 
http://www.k12.ar.us/secure/smspo/mid.jpg rasher DIRECT/ text/html
1211985606.314     26 170.211.xxx.31 TCP_MISS/304 412 GET 
http://www.k12.ar.us/secure/smspo/topmenu.jpg rasher NONE/- -
1211985606.314     22 170.211.xxx.31 TCP_MISS/304 413 GET 
http://www.k12.ar.us/secure/smspo/mid.jpg rasher NONE/- -


Rob Asher
Network Systems Technician
Paragould School District
(870)236-7744 Ext. 169

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