
Just to help you a little bit.....

All my Macintosh computers have the MacOsX 10.4 install, with all the 
MacUpdate, Apple Update, Adobe Update, Microsoft Mac Update installed.

It's very strange. I really don't know if it's a Mac problem or if it's a 
problem with the Helper that has difficulty to talk with Mac Computers.



> CC: squid-users@squid-cache.org
> Subject: Re: [squid-users] Apple Computers jam my NTLM Helpers.
> Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2008 10:02:18 +1000
> Hello!
> Excuse me, I can't remember if this is a top post list or a bottom
> post list.
> Just noting that I have seen the same issues, and am trying to
> replicate them, and determine the exact versions of safari and/or
> firefox causing this. I'll report my findings.
> Matt Smith
> On 06/06/2008, at 8:14 AM, Jonathan Chretien wrote:
>> Hello Henrik.
>> My Macintosh computer is not part of the domain. In the proxy
>> configuration of all Macintosh computers, in System Preference, I
>> set the mydomain\username and the password of the user. This give me
>> the opportunity to authentify the user automatically and not waiting
>> the user to enter a username and password.
>> I have a macintosh computer by user and they always use the same.
>> It's the reason why I can force the username and password of the
>> user in System Preference.
>> The user get authenticated and is able to get his web page, but the
>> Helper is still lock. The lock get release after a period of time.
>> One of the 4-5 helper that the Macintosh is using can be release 10
>> secondes later, and the other can be release after 25 - 30 - 45
>> seconds.
>> Do I need to use an another authentication helper for my Macintosh
>> user ? I hope not.
>> Thanks.
>> Jonathan
>> IT Technician.
>>> CC: squid-users@squid-cache.org
>>> Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 22:22:27 +0200
>>> Subject: Re: [squid-users] Apple Computers jam my NTLM Helpers.
>>> tor 2008-06-05 klockan 15:16 -0400 skrev Jonathan Chretien:
>>>> Yesterday, I decided to configure my Macintosh computers, about 11
>>>> on my proxy. Everytime a Macintosh contact the internet to access
>>>> a web site, the Macintosh jam around 4-5 NTLM helper for a period
>>>> of 10 second to 1 minutes for each. After, the helper are released
>>>> by the Macintosh Computer one by one. You can understand now the
>>>> problem that I got. With only 15 helpers and 11 macs on the
>>>> internet at lunch time, all helpers are jammed in a status of R
>>>> (RESERVED OR DEFERRED). All other users need to wait until a NTLM
>>>> helper is available. This cause, a wait time to high and squid
>>>> crash and restart.
>>> Are the Macintosh computers members of the Windows domain?
>>>> Why the macintosh computer jam my NTLM helper when our Windows
>>>> computers are working fine and don't jam any NTLM helpers like the
>>>> Macintosh computer do ?
>>> Probably the macs is showing a login dialog.. this occupies a NTLM
>>> helper until the dialog is completed or the connection times out.
>>> This is one of many reasons why you need very many NTLM helpers for
>>> reliable operation. It's too dependent on the clients behaving well..
>>> Regards
>>> Henrik
>> _________________________________________________________________


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