Hello members,

I want to set squid, which accepts https from clients, then forward the
request to original server with http protocal.

This is the setting I considered:

https_port 443 accel vhost cert=/squid/etc/xxx.crt key=/squid/etc/xxx.key

cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver name=origin_1
acl service_1 dstdomain .xxx.com
cache_peer_access origin_1 allow service_1

Then I access to squid with this way:

Can squid accept this https request and forward it to original server with
http correctly?
btw, what's the usage of "protocol=http"? I can't understand for it

Thanks in advance.
[ this is my second message for the same content, because the first
message I sent to the list was lost. ]

      Get the name you always wanted with the new y7mail email address.

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