On sön, 2008-06-08 at 00:11 +0200, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> On lör, 2008-06-07 at 13:32 -0700, Linda W wrote:
> > Is squid being renamed?
> No.
> > Or what the relation of cacheboy to the squid project?
> CacheBoy is a fork of the Squid project, where Adrian tries out some new
> ideas of what the future should look like.
> > I'm also a bit perturbed, that 3.0, which has been around
> > forever, is still in Beta,
> Squid-3.0 was released as the current STABLE release on May 20, 2008 and
> is no longer in testing.

Sorry, a silly copy-paste error crept in there. Dec 13, 2007 is the
correct date for 3.0.STABLE1. May 20 was the most recent 3.0.STABLE6
bugfix release...

> > while alot of work continues to
> > go on in the 2.x line.
> Adrian still works on 2.x, and third-party contributions is still
> accepted (if in reasonable shape). I also continue maintaining the 2.x
> tree fixing important bugs.
> For some time the two versions will coexists, but the intentions is that
> 3.x should fill the role over time. There is some features and
> performance missing from 3.x to completely take over from 2.x, but also
> a lot of unique functionality not found in 2.x.
> > I mean "usually" most work goes toward
> > the new generation....with maybe 1 person handing bug fixes
> > for 2.x...and usually most feature work goes into 3.x...
> It s the case for Squid as well.
> > Is cacheboy going to become a 3rd squid proxy server?  Or
> > why was it split off?
> Because Adrian is not happy with the direction Squid-3 is taking, and
> also because he is more comfortable with C than C++, with large parts of
> Squid-3 being somewhat alien to him where Squid-2 is very well known to
> him.
> Regards
> Henrik

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