
On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 5:10 PM, Amos Jeffries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Roy M. wrote:

> In vanilla robin, the counter gets 1 added, which evenly balances requests
> through the peers, regardless of network trouble or anything else.
> In weighted, the counter gets RTT/weight, which balances things more in
> favour of close peers. But weight= can give an extra boost to preferred
> peers or a manual balancing if the expected RTT (in ms) to that peer is
> large. The division is never allowed to produce a non-integer or stat under
> 1.


Since all web servers are under private Gigabit network, RTT delay or
bandwidth stuffs are not important.

However, they are application servers and CPU intensive and  therefore
I run squid as reverse proxy.

So I hope the one with more CPU power (it can be config. my me
manually) can be sharing more requests, what would be the best setup
for this?


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