On Friday 27 June 2008, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> On 27.06.08 03:48, Shaine wrote:
> > Basically we can do the bypass proxy for local addresses via web
> > browsers. This is inbuilt functions of certain web browsers.
> > Like that, can we bypass some web request which are locally hosted ( In
> > the same network ) via squid-cache ?
> No, because your requests can go either directly (bypass the cache), or via
> the cache, not both.
> However this function is also a builtin in some (many) browsers.

Or you can use a proxy autoconfig script served up by an apache webserver!
Just needs java scripting enabled on the clients and it solved all my issues 
with 2 internal networks and many customer networks and a plethora of squid 
servers on different internet connections! There is even a simple perl based 
pac file tester available called pactester that solved the last few issues I 


Angela Williams                         Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here!         Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

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