On fre, 2008-06-27 at 02:38 -0700, afstcklnd wrote:
> OK, really at a loss now. Got rid of this problem by refining a few things
> but now still not working but no real evidence of why not? Although
> maybe....
> ==> log.smbd <==
> [2008/06/26 21:28:35,  3] printing/printing.c:start_background_queue(1397)
>   start_background_queue: Starting background LPQ thread
> [2008/06/26 21:28:35,  2] lib/util_sock.c:open_socket_in(1268)
>   bind failed on port 445 socket_addr =
>   Error = Address already in use

Sounds like you already have Samba running...


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