Thanks to developers' hard work to let us enjoy the Squid. Currently, I am using Squid 3.0 Stable 7 + ICAP client and GreasySpoon (ICAP server) to customize the page. It works pretty well in Debian.
However, when I browse the page, which has a form with "POST" method, the page will load repeatedly without finishing, such as (The "POST" method can work well if I disable ICAP client inside Squid.) I search for the mail archives for a while, but cannot figure out if that is a ICAP client problem. I check the Squid log and GreasySpoon access.log and found following messages: 1. Squid access.log: 1215807898.875 313 TCP_MISS/200 751 GET http://XXXXXX/main.php - DIRECT/XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX text/html 1215807899.103 185 TCP_MISS/200 541 GET http://XXXXXX/script.php - DIRECT/XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX text/javascript 2. GreasySpoon access.log: [11/Jul/2008:16:09:58 -0400] 1215806998388 0 [REQMOD ] [greasyspoon] ICAP/200 HTTP/POST http://XXXXXXX/confirm.php However, I don't see any POST http:// xxx in squid log, which might be the reason to cause the page to load repeatedly. (But I can see TCP package [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU], which contains Post method message.) Does anyone encounter similar problem with ICAP client? I appreciate anyone who can give me some suggestions or point me to past related mail to know how to fix it. Sorry if this is a repeated question. Thanks for any suggestion. Jones