Hello Guys,

This is the third time i have 'Your cache is running out of filedescriptors' problem with squid 3.0. I have never had similar problem with 2.5 versions which i was used to use (skipped from 2.5 directly to 3.0)

During the problem, i can check, through cachemgr.cgi, that i have a LOT of 'File' descriptors opened, pointing to cache files (/var/squid/XX/NN/file in my case).

   Here's cachemgr.cgi output, Active file descriptors option:


with a 'squid -k shutdown' i got some errors/warning/assertion failed on cache.log:

2008/07/21 09:24:06| client_side.cc(2690) WARNING! Your cache is running out of filedescriptors 2008/07/21 09:24:17| tunnelReadServer: FD 563: read failure: (113) No route to host 2008/07/21 09:24:24| client_side.cc(2690) WARNING! Your cache is running out of filedescriptors
2008/07/21 09:24:29| Preparing for shutdown after 6578250 requests
2008/07/21 09:24:29| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/07/21 09:24:29| FD 37 Closing HTTP connection
2008/07/21 09:24:29| FD 65 Closing HTTP connection
2008/07/21 09:24:29| FD 84 Closing HTTP connection
2008/07/21 09:24:29| assertion failed: comm.cc:608: "fd_table[fd].flags.open == 1" 2008/07/21 09:24:29| assertion failed: comm.cc:609: "fdc_table[fd].active == 1"

and, on shutdown, i got a BUNCH of (yes, i have ldap authentication here)

2008/07/21 09:25:00| AuthUserHashPointer::removeFromCache: entry in use - not freeing 2008/07/21 09:25:00| AuthUserHashPointer::removeFromCache: entry in use - not freeing 2008/07/21 09:25:00| AuthUserHashPointer::removeFromCache: entry in use - not freeing 2008/07/21 09:25:00| AuthUserHashPointer::removeFromCache: entry in use - not freeing 2008/07/21 09:25:00| AuthUserHashPointer::removeFromCache: entry in use - not freeing 2008/07/21 09:25:00| AuthUserHashPointer::removeFromCache: entry in use - not freeing

   and then another bunch of:

2008/07/21 09:25:01| Open FD              49 /var/squid/04/EB/0004EB0E
2008/07/21 09:25:01| Open FD              50 /var/squid/02/E9/0002E9D7
2008/07/21 09:25:01| Open FD              52 /var/squid/02/C8/0002C8CE
2008/07/21 09:25:01| Open FD              53 /var/squid/00/0D/00000DBC
2008/07/21 09:25:01| Open FD              54 /var/squid/01/B8/0001B821
2008/07/21 09:25:01| Open FD              55 /var/squid/00/0D/00000DBC
2008/07/21 09:25:01| Open FD              56 /var/squid/01/51/000151B1
2008/07/21 09:25:01| Open FD              57 /var/squid/03/98/000398E9

   luckly squid exists normally and works just fine after restart .....


        Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
        Leonardo Rodrigues
        Solutti Tecnologia

        Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
        My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

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