The first thing to do is update to Squid-2.6 at the very least,
perhaps Squid-2.7 when the next STABLE release is made.

The CPU should drop quite dramatically.

Of course, since you're maxing out the LAN interface, you may wish to
also install a GigE adaptor with that.


2008/7/22 Thompson, Scott (WA) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi all
> We are seeing some weird behaviour with our Squid server
> Thru out the day Internet Explorer will come back with Internet Explorer
> cannot display the page
> No errors from Squid as such, it appears that IE simply cannot contact
> the squid server, that's what it looks like to me!
> I have MRTG installed and for HTTP In and Out we are seeing it max out
> at 14.4MB/s as well as Server In/Out traffic
> I assume this means that the LAN card in the squid server is saturated
> with traffic and I suspect this is why the server is not responding to
> requests from the users. 14.4MB/s = 100Mb which is what the LAN card is
> Usually hitting refresh a few times will load the page in question
> The squid server is located in a DMZ behind a Cisco PIX, the MRTG
> traffic reported on the DMZ interface on the PIX shows a max in and out
> of about 512KB/s (5 minute averages)
> We are running Squid 2.5 Stable6, I know this is a fairly old version.
> This has only started happening since we have implemented a hosted
> solution for our reporting systems for our retail stores as well as for
> the users who need to get these reports and information.
> If anyone can offer any insights to this it would be greatly
> appreciated. If you require more information don't hesitate to let me
> know.
> Scott

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