Tarak Ranjan wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Tarak Ranjan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 9:33 AM
To: Squid
Subject: [squid-users] Streaming control

Hi List,
i have blocked all audio/ video streaming in my
squid server but i want
to enable certain site like myvideo.com to receive
streaming from , what
sort ACL i have to write. only from myvideo.com rest
of all streaming
will be deny. is it possible to do , if so then can
anyone help me to do


Hi ,
below is the code acl media_files rep_mime_type -i ^audio/ ^video/
http_access deny media_files

Does this actually work? An http_access (request) deny associated with a reply mime type acl? Interesting. Well, assuming it does work...

acl myvideo dstdomain .myvideo.com
acl media_files rep_mime_type -i ^audio/ ^video/
http_access deny media_files !myvideo

...would only deny media files if they are not requested from a site in the .myvideo.com domain.


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