> I'm using diskd, I found this
> http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/DiskDaemon and says "ipcs | awk
> '/squid/ {printf "ipcrm -%s %s\n", $1, $2}' | /bin/sh" in "Sometimes
> shared memory and message queues aren't released when Squid exits".
> I'm using linux, where I should put that sentence?
> Thanks a lot
> Best Regards

You run it at a root shell.

But did you notice on that page;

"Modern Linux systems the Disk Daemon has been trumped by extremely fast AUFS. 
diskd is still recommended for BSD variants. "

So since you're running linux change diskd to aufs in your cache_dirs, and 
restart. The format on disk is the same so you wont loose your content. Then 
don't worry about the ipcs command...

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