I can't find mention of this '-I' option elsewhere. (It's not in my 2.6.STABLE14-based man page.)

Is there a writeup on this option anywhere?

Did it only appear in later versions?

Is there a long-name for the option that would be easier to search for?

I would be interested in seeing your scripts if there are other wrinkles to using Squid in this manner. We're currently using squid for load-balancing on dedicated dual-core machines, so one core is staying completely idle...


- Gordon @ IA

Dave Dykstra wrote:
Meanwhile the '-I' option to squid makes it possible to run multiple
squids serving the same port on the same machine, so you can make use of
more CPUs.  I've got scripts surrounding squid startups to take
advantage of that.  Let me know if you're interested in having them.
Currently I run a couple machines using 2 squids each on 2 bonded
gigabit interfaces in order to get over 200 Mbytes/second throughput.

- Dave

On Fri, Oct 03, 2008 at 12:01:26PM +1300, Amos Jeffries wrote:
Roy M. wrote:

Why squid is running as a single thread program, wouldn't it perform
better if allow run as multithreaded as SMP or Quad core CPU are
popular now?

Simply 'allowing' squid to run as multi-threaded is a very big change.
We are doing what we can to work towards it. A years worth of work in now behind with at least another ahead before its really possible.

Please use Squid 2.7.STABLE4 or 3.0.STABLE9

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