On mån, 2008-10-13 at 00:01 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Probably the culpit is --with-large-files (and
> > --with-large-cache-files). These should only be used on 32-bit
> > platforms, not platforms where I/O is natively 64-bits..
> you get it, this seems the problem but I am not really sure to understand the 
> explanation. 
> What does it change at compilation phase ??

It compiles the program as 32-bit with 64-bit file pointers.

> Finally, a little remark, I do not know if this issue has already been 
> reported but when I compile squid_kerb_auth I have to use a workaround like 
> this to get it compiled ..
> sudo /usr/local/bin/sed -i 's/^\(KERBLIBS.*\)/\1 -lsocket/g' 
> helpers/negotiate_auth/squid_kerb_auth/Makefile
> many thanks for your help

The kerberos helper is being updated with new Makefiles.


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