On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:56 AM, Adam McCarthy
> What I meant was, I understand how it should be the same, what I mean
> is, I can't seem to find a working guide to get either a AD domain or
> a Samba3 domain. I guess it's mainly Samba that I am confusing about
> configuring to work properly for Squid, but I can't seem to find an
> overall guide to get it all working. I have tried ones that claim to
> be for Windows controllers and always got stuff like:
> "Host not configured to be member server" or similar.
> Then net join says about not being able to get trust password.
> So I'm completely stuck.

Not really..
You could try asking the same questions on the samba users
mailing-list. Squid requires a working domain membership by samba.

One first attempt I'd perform is using "net ads join" rather than "net join".


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