i m using squid in freebsd 7.0 below are the compile options,
proxy01# squid -v
Squid Cache: Version 3.0.STABLE9
configure options: '--bindir=/usr/local/sbin'
'--sysconfdir=/usr/local/etc/squid' '--datadir=/usr/local/etc/squid'
'--localstatedir=/usr/local/squid' '--enable-removal-policies=lru heap'
'--enable-storeio=aufs,ufs,diskd,null' '--enable-delay-pools'
'--enable-snmp' '--enable-cache-digests' '--enable-underscores'
'--enable-useragent-log' '--enable-time-hack' '--with-large-files'
'--enable-large-cache-files' '--prefix=/usr/local'
'--enable-follow-x-forwarded-for' '--enable-forward-log'
'--enable-kill-parent-hack' '--with-maxfd=32000' '--enable-ipfw-transparent'
below are the cache.log errors
FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying.
proxy01# tail -f /var/log/squid/cache.log
2008/11/03 17:14:17| clientParseRequestMethod: Unsupported method in
request 'REGISTER sip:;transport=tcp SIP/2.0__From:
<sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:80>;ta'
2008/11/03 17:14:17| clientProcessRequest: Invalid Request
2008/11/03 17:14:29| clientParseRequestMethod: Unsupported method: This
is not a bug. see squid.conf extension_methods
2008/11/03 17:14:29| clientParseRequestMethod: Unsupported method in
request 'NICK pztuookb_USER i'
2008/11/03 17:14:29| clientProcessRequest: Invalid Request
2008/11/03 17:14:45| comm_old_accept: FD 9: (53) Software caused
connection abort
2008/11/03 17:14:45| httpAccept: FD 9: accept failure: (53) Software
caused connection abort
2008/11/03 17:14:59| clientParseRequestMethod: Unsupported method: This
is not a bug. see squid.conf extension_methods
2008/11/03 17:14:59| clientParseRequestMethod: Unsupported method in
request 'NICK rormjcph_USER u'
2008/11/03 17:14:59| clientProcessRequest: Invalid Request
2008/11/03 17:15:10| clientParseRequestMethod: Unsupported method: This
is not a bug. see squid.conf extension_methods
2008/11/03 17:15:10| clientParseRequestMethod: Unsupported method in
request 'REGISTER sip:;transport=tcp SIP/2.0__From:
<sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:80>;tag=70'
2008/11/03 17:15:10| clientProcessRequest: Invalid Request
did i made any mistakes while compiling squid or there are some extra
options i have to add on squid.conf
anuj shrestha