> >> http_access     allow accel_hosts
> >> http_access     allow manager localhost
> >> http_access     deny manager
> >> http_access     allow all
> >> 
> > The line above permits anyone who can send a packet to your proxy to use
> > it as a relay for any purpose they like.
> > The restrictions above it are not denying anything except cache_mgr://
> > protocol. So there is no protection inside Squid.
> > The default config is safe if you set localnet to you internal IPs only:

On 11.11.08 19:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I actually need to allow public connections since we don't know which
> machines are actually connecting for the testing.

in such case you should restrict destinations only to your servers.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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