Hi Remy,

OK so squid use the ICAP server and probably the squid part of your configuration is OK.

Please look on both squid logs and icap server logs for error messages. Should exist something in the logs which explains the reason of the error.

Also look in your c-icap configuration. For example, has the c-icap server write access to all directories in which is trying to write? The /var/tmp and /tmp/download/ directories in your case. (Also c-icap has its own mailing list probably you should ask here......)


Thanks Christos,

after purging it form squid cache it work fine able to scan.
But now another problem when I try to download a zip virus file

ERROR in the browser
The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL:

    ICAP protocol error.

The system returned: [No Error]

This means that some aspect of the ICAP communication failed.

Some possible problems are:


      The ICAP server is not reachable.

      An Illegal response was received from the ICAP server.


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