> Jevos, Peter wrote:
> > Hi ,
> >
> > I'd like to ask you if these error is about the proxy error or
> network
> > problem
> >
> > Read Error - 104 connection reset by peer -  error condition while
> > reading data from network
> >
> > In the log is:
> >
> > 1227847205.654    185 TCP_MISS/502 1489 GET
> >
> 3
> > 2&mf=0&rru=getm
> > sg%3fmsg%3dFCD25EA1%2d9C51%2d4215%2d8711%2dC6AA3CD78309 -
> > DIRECT/ text/html [28/Nov/2008:11:40:05 +0700]
> Both. Proxy having issue reading from the network. Sounds like a Squid
> somewhere received an end-of-connection code (RST) while expecting
> data.
> There is another log called cache.log which contains more detailed
> on what Squid is doing during requests. Please check there for the
> reason if you don't understand the error page returned.
Thnaks for your answer

Unfortunatelly cache.log shows nothing during that time
Importatn think is that yo triy to refresh this page in a few seconds it
works and returns 200
But this problem happens regulary

Whant should i check ?

Thanks for any advice

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