tis 2008-12-09 klockan 11:02 -0800 skrev Matt Ausmus:
> Whoops!  Meant for my response to go to the message board for anyone else 
> having this issue.  Henrik, your idea worked perfectly.  I thing I found was 
> if I used multiple variables (chapman1 chapman2 chapman3 where each variable 
> is an acl representing a subnet), I couldn't combine them on 1 line.
> "Snmp_access allow chapmansnmp chapman1 chapman2 chapman3" would not work.  I 
> had to give each variable a separate line:
> "snmp-access allow chapmansnmp chapman1"
> "snmp-access allow chapmansnmp chapman2"
> "snmp-access allow chapmansnmp chapman3"

Yes. Or merge them in the same acl..



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