Thanks Chris. 

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: 16 December 2008 02:53
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Class 4 Delay pools

Johnny Edge wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I have a NT Group based acl Squid setup. Everything is fine with it, except 
> for I'd like to provide certain NT Security Groups with more bandwidth than 
> others, i.e. allocate bw by username/groupname. 
> Atm the traffic control is done on a iproute2/tc basis which is not 
> sufficient for my needs.
> Is this possible and how?

Yes.  Probably using delay_access.

>  I can't find decent info on Class 4 dalay pools usage.

A Class 4 pool works on a per-authentication (username) basis.  Any given 
username is given a bucket/pool (possibly further restricted by the individual, 
network and/or aggregate buckets), no matter how many IPs their traffic is 
going to.  A class 5 pool, coupled with an external ACL that returns tags 
according to group membership would allow you to have per-group pools (again 
possibly further limited by the other buckets), not really what you seem to be 
looking for.  Your best bet is to read a bit more about delay_access and use 
that to push specific group members in to specific Class 1, 2 or 3 pools 
(depending on if/how you want to further allocate bandwidth within the pool).

For documentation, recently I've been pointing people at, but the section in there on delay_class 
is not very comprehensive and the section dealing with delay_parameters makes 
no mention of the fact that Class 4 and Class 5 pools are only available in 
Squid 3.  Upon further inspection, there are links to the version specific 
information, so it's still a good place to 
start.   See, and with a dash of

>  Please advise.

Hope that's advice and not chaos...  Here's a bonus section with pseudo ACLs to 
help illustrate what I'm referring to:

acl FastUsers NTLMGroup matches ServerAdmins acl RegularUsers NTLMGroup matches 
LoggedInUsers # Yes, the FastUsers would also be part of this group acl 
SlowUsers NTLMGroup matches Guests # Should match all other computers that are 
allowed access

# Now I'll give two examples using the above ACLs # First, the ServerAdmins are 
given limited bandwidth (but less limited than everyone else) # and guests are 
even more limited...

# Allocate three pools
delay_pools 3
# All of type 1
delay_class 1 1
delay_class 2 1
delay_class 3 1
# Set up the ServerAdmin's pool
delay_parameters 1 32000/32000
# Next the users' pool
delay_parameters 2 16000/16000
# Finally the guest pool
delay_parameters 3 8000/8000
# Now we assign users to their respective pools delay_access 1 allow FastUsers 
delay_access 1 deny all delay_access 2 allow RegularUsers # ServerAdmins have 
already matched pool 1 delay_access 2 deny all delay_access 3 allow all

# Example 2, ServerAdmins are not limited. Everyone else is put into a class 3 
delay_pools 1
delay_class 1 3
# 256kbit/s pool limit, no "network" limit, 16kbit/s individual bucket # Fun 
fact: Class 2 pools allow an individual bucket to match only the last octet 
while # class 3 has a separate bucket for every combination of third and fourth 
octet # (according to the documentation from Squid 2.6*).
delay_parameters 1 32000/32000 -1/-1 2000/2000 delay_access 1 deny FastUsers 
delay_access allow all

> Thanks,
> -JE


* In other words, given a class 2 delay pool, and would 
share an individual bucket, but would each have their own individual bucket in 
a class 3 pool.  I haven't read the source code (or tested my theory on a real 
install), so the documentation
might be wrong.  I also might be mis-interpreting what the documentation 
conveys.  Then again, maybe this code has been significantly changed since 2.6.

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